Join our exclusive wine club
Enjoy great savings
Enjoy ongoing savings with a 20% discount on all wine purchases all year round.
Exclusive offers
Member only offers and special invitations to exclusive events and tastings each year.
Delivered to you
Twice yearly mixed six pack of the latest releases, delivered direct to you for only $120/pack.
When will I receive wine?
Your Members six pack of wine is sent in June and December. The card you nominate when sign up will be automatically debited.
When do I get my members discount?
Your 20% members discount is active from when you sign up
When is my card charged?
There is no charge to your card when you sign up. Your nominated card will be charged at the beginning of June and the beginning of December when we send your six monthly wine 6-pack.
How much are the six monthly wine packs?
$120 each, which includes shipping.
What wine will I receive?
You will received winemakers selection of Amelia Park Wines.
Can I choose my own wine?
Unfortunately Members are not able to choose the wines in their pack. We put together a carefully crafted winemakers selection for your enjoyment. The pack offers exceptional value and variety, if there is a wine not to your style, perhaps it is the perfect gift :)
How long do I have to be a member?
Membership is 12 months from signing up, once you have received two wine club packs your membership will continue on until you notify us you would like to cancel.
How do I cancel my membership?
Once you have been a members for twelve months, and received two wine club packs, you are able to cancel your membership. Please contact us.
How do I update my details?
Log in on our website and update your details on the dashboard
Are my details safe?
Absolutely, all cards are only saved at Stripe and we do not store any of your card details. You can look at their service agreements for more information. We do store your personal information only accessible by Amelia Park Wines and authorised users in order to provide you the services for your membership.